Student Theses
We are constantly offering graphics-related topics for Bachelor and Master theses as well as student research projects. To get a first idea on the range of different topics please see the list of finished projects below, or visit our research pages or publication page.
Interested students are welcome to contact Prof. Botsch for finding a cool topic and setting up a project. You should have very good knowledge of math (e.g. through MafI, HöMa, or Scientific Computing) and should have successfully taken lectures on computer graphics and/or geometry processing. In addition and you should have a solid knowledge in C++ programming (for instance through our programming assignments).
Efficient Gaussian Splatting for Head AvatarsMaster Thesis, TU Dortmund
Scan-based Face Personalization of Meta-HumansBachelor Thesis, TU Dortmund
3D Reconstruction of Eyeglasses for Virtual AvatarsMaster Thesis, TU Dortmund
Isometric Space Deformation with Radial Basis FunktionsMaster Thesis, TU Dortmund
Data-Driven Inverse Kinematics Using Sparse TrackersBachelor Thesis, TU Dortmund
Comparing and Optimizing Geometric Distance Measures for Human-Motion TrackingBachelor Thesis, TU Dortmund
Comparing Similarity Measures for Online Motion AlignmentBachelor Thesis, TU Dortmund
Towards Automated Garment ReconstructionMaster Thesis, TU Dortmund
Realtime Rendering of Textured 3D Geo-DataMaster Thesis, TU Dortmund
Data-Driven Realtime Motion Reconstruction from Sparse Sensor DataMaster Thesis, TU Dortmund
Multilevel Methods on Adaptively Refined GridsMaster Thesis, TU Dortmund
Scatterplot Cubes in Virtual RealityMaster Thesis, TU Dortmund
Hyperparameter Optimization of Polygon LaplacianMaster Thesis, TU Berlin
Inverse Kinematics for Human-Robot-InteractionMaster Thesis, TU Dortmund
Variational Surface Decomposition into Geometric PrimitivesMaster Thesis, TU Dortmund
Accelerate Path Tracing: Methods and TechniquesBachelor Thesis, TU Dortmund
Polygon Laplacian Made RobustBachelor Thesis, TU Dortmund
Object-attached Simulation SubdomainsMaster Thesis, TU Dortmund
Motion Parallax for 180° RGB stereo videoMaster Thesis, TU Dortmund
Individualized Blendshapes from Facial Expression ScansMaster Thesis, TU Dortmund
Effiziente und qualitativ hochwertige Raumdeformationen mittels radialer BasisfunktionenMaster Thesis, TU Dortmund
Evaluierung verschiedener Multi-View-Stereo-Verfahren zur Avatar-RekonstruktionMaster Thesis, TU Dortmund
Sphere Tracing for Real-Time ApplicationsBachelor Thesis, TU Dortmund
Inverse Kinematik für Motion Capturing mit 6DoF-Trackern in Virtual RealityMaster Thesis, TU Dortmund
Statistische Verfahren zur Generierung mehrschichtiger KörpermodelleMaster Thesis, TU Dortmund
Hyperparameter-zentrierte multimodale Ableitung eines BaumkatastersMaster Thesis, TU Dortmund
Direct Delta Mush Skinning für die Echtzeitanimation virtueller CharaktereMaster Thesis, TU Dortmund
Hierarchische statistische Modelle für virtuelle AvatareMaster Thesis, TU Dortmund
Aufbereitung gescannter GeometrienMaster Thesis, TU Dortmund
Evaluating Affordable Motion Capturing using Game EnginesBachelor Thesis, TU Dortmund
Retuschierung von Beleuchtungsinhomogenitäten in PortraitfotosBachelor Thesis, TU Dortmund
Physically-based Lighting Models in Ray Tracing and OpenGLBachelor Thesis, TU Dortmund
High-Quality Photogrammetry-based People Scanning using Smartphone CamerasBachelor Thesis, TU Dortmund
Effiziente Simulation menschlicher Bewegungen in datengetriebenen UnterräumenMaster Thesis, TU Dortmund
Analytic Polar Decomposition for Projetive DynamicsBachelor Thesis, Bielefeld University
Data-Driven Texture RepairBachelor Thesis, Bielefeld University
Evaluation of Polyhedral Mesh Data StructuresBachelor Thesis, Bielefeld University
Sphere Tracing of Implicit SurfacesBachelor Thesis, Bielefeld University
Discrete Laplacian Operator for Polygonal MeshesMaster Thesis, Bielefeld University
Motion Tracking of Scanned AvatarsMaster Thesis, Bielefeld University
Learning Skinning WeightsMaster Thesis, Bielefeld University
Local PCA-Models for Human FacesBachelor Thesis, Bielefeld University
Exaggerated Shading for Technical ModelsBachelor Thesis, Bielefeld University
Camera-Based Tracking of Stick InsectsMaster Thesis, Bielefeld University
Learning a Model for Skull and Skin ReconstructionMaster Thesis, Bielefeld University
A Biomechanical Analysis of Longsword Training and Freefight in Historical European Martial ArtsMaster Thesis, Bielefeld University
High Quality Face RenderingBachelor Thesis, Bielefeld University
Fully-automatic Correction of Motor Errors Performed in Sports ExercisesBachelor Thesis, Bielefeld University
GPU Implementation of a Local/Global SolverBachelor Thesis, Bielefeld University
Scene reconstruction from robot-mounted fish-eye camerasBachelor Thesis, Bielefeld University
Lighting Removal from 3D Body ScansBachelor Thesis, Bielefeld University
Feature-Sensitive Surface ReconstructionBachelor Thesis, Bielefeld University
Animation of Virtual Characters Based on Active Trackers and Inverse KinematicsBachelor Thesis, Bielefeld University
Character StylizationMaster Thesis, Bielefeld University
Implicit SkinningMaster Thesis, Bielefeld University
High-Quality Faces from Low-Quality DataMaster Thesis, Bielefeld University
Implementation and Evaluation of DTW VariantsMaster Thesis, Bielefeld University
Steg-Algorithmus fuer SchablonenBachelor Thesis, Bielefeld University
Evaluation of the Performance of Randomized FFD Control Grids for Design OptimizationMaster Thesis, Bielefeld University
Putting on GlassesMaster Thesis, Bielefeld University
Footskate Cleanup in Motion Retargeting for Character AnimationBachelor Thesis, Bielefeld University
High-Performance Bindless RenderingBachelor Thesis, Bielefeld University
Environment LightingBachelor Thesis, Bielefeld University
Advanced Shadow MappingBachelor Thesis, Bielefeld University
In-Browser Rendering of FacesBachelor Thesis, Bielefeld University
Color Warping for ImagesBachelor Thesis, Bielefeld University
Lattice-Boltzmann Fluid SimulationMaster Thesis, Bielefeld University
Singulärwertzerlegung zur Findung von SpektralfunktionenBachelor Thesis, Bielefeld University
Advanced Character AnimationBachelor Thesis, Bielefeld University
Evaluation of the Unreal Engine on a Virtual SupermarketBachelor Thesis, Bielefeld University
Visual AttentionMaster Thesis, Bielefeld University
Deformation with ConstraintsMaster Thesis, Bielefeld University
Self-Improving Blendshape ModelsMaster Thesis, Bielefeld University
PSO-PCA-GPU Hand TrackingMaster Thesis, Bielefeld University
Motion Tracking of Stick InsectsMaster Thesis, Bielefeld University
Volume Data ProcessingBachelor Thesis, Bielefeld University
Projective DynamicsBachelor Thesis, Bielefeld University
Evaluation of Path Tracing and Photon MappingBachelor Thesis, Bielefeld University
Implementation and Evaluation of Physics Simulation in JavaScriptMaster Thesis, Bielefeld University
Head- und Eye-Tracking im OctaVisBachelor Thesis, Bielefeld University
Heuschreckenanimation mit WebGLBachelor Thesis, Bielefeld University
Scan me! Print me! - A pipeline for scanning and converting humans into action-figuresBachelor Thesis, Bielefeld University
Subdivision SurfacesBachelor Thesis, Bielefeld University
Data Visualization with Human FacesBachelor Thesis, Bielefeld University
Kamera-basiertes Tracking von InsektenBachelor Thesis, Bielefeld University
Presentation ViewerBachelor Thesis, Bielefeld University
Real-Time Rendering of EyesBachelor Thesis, Bielefeld University
Bounded Biharmonic CoordinatesBachelor Thesis, Bielefeld University
Feature Sensitive Surface Reconstruction by Advanced Primitive Fitting and Global AlignmentMaster Thesis, Bielefeld University
3D Scanning and RegistrationMaster Thesis, Bielefeld University
Real-Time Simulation of Deformable ObjectsMaster Thesis, Bielefeld University
Membrane-Mapping und Optimierung der molekularen Darstellung mit Java3D in den CELLmicrocosmos AnwendungenMaster Thesis, Bielefeld University
Molecule and Cell VisualizationMaster Thesis, Bielefeld University
Real-Time Cartoon ShadingBachelor Thesis, Bielefeld University
3D-Scanning with the KinectBachelor Thesis, Bielefeld University
Short Film with 3D Studio MaxBachelor Thesis, Bielefeld University
Development of a Shader FrameworkBachelor Thesis, Bielefeld University
Real-Time Motion Capturing with the KinectMaster Thesis, Bielefeld University
3D Face Scanning through Stereo VisionMaster Thesis, Bielefeld University
2D Physics EngineBachelor Thesis, Bielefeld University
High Performance Mesh RenderingBachelor Thesis, Bielefeld University
Character Animation through Motion TrackingBachelor Thesis, Bielefeld University
Particle-Based Fluid SimulationBachelor Thesis, Bielefeld University
Implementation and Evaluation of a Multigrid SolverBachelor Thesis, Bielefeld University
GPU-Based Molecule RenderingBachelor Thesis, Bielefeld University
Parallel Ray TracingBachelor Thesis, Bielefeld University
Framework for Interactive Virtual Character on the iPhoneMaster Thesis, Bielefeld University
Ray Tracing Acceleration TechniquesBachelor Thesis, Bielefeld University
Monte Carlo Path TracingBachelor Thesis, Bielefeld University
Line-Art Rendering of Motion-Tracked CharactersBachelor Thesis, Bielefeld University
Skeleton-Based Character AnimationBachelor Thesis, Bielefeld University
3D Viewer on the iPhoneBachelor Thesis, Bielefeld University
2D Mesh GenerationBachelor Thesis, Bielefeld University
Surface Reconstruction from Range ScansMaster Thesis, Bielefeld University
Level Set Surface EditingMaster Thesis, Bielefeld University
Real-Time Shape Deformation in VR EnvironmentsMaster Thesis, Bielefeld University
Polygonal Finite ElementsMaster Thesis, Bielefeld University
Acquisition and Modeling of Human Body ShapeMaster Thesis, ETH Zurich
Volumetric Mesh GenerationMaster Thesis, ETH Zurich
Parallel Geometry ProcessingMaster Thesis, ETH Zurich
Skeleton-Based Character AnimationMaster Thesis, ETH Zurich
Spherical ParameterizationMaster Thesis, ETH Zurich
Geometric Modeling Based on Thin ShellsMaster Thesis, ETH Zurich